Disrepectal of all ages

Enny2022/04/12 08:16


The adge "respect is reciprocal" is disrespected by a word

A word that doesn't care about your physical features yet collaborate with your inner feature.

"Punishment for your bad deeds they say"

"An arrow from the village they say"

A judge without it's gavel to give the final verdict "death sentence"

A word that kills without a weapon

With the positive result to weap on

That word is know "CANCER".

Cancer is a group of Gangstar

That plays a role of a friendly enemy but trust me it is your enemy.

We are tired of that word we want to be in a world where no one knows about the word "chemotherapy"

We want to be in a word where cancer death are in distinct.

Yes it is possible cancer is gone cancer is cureble those are the word we want to hear so we could be the champion again.

Body part are not sold in the market so live your life with a parkect full of love.

To all cancer patients you are loved ❤️💖❤️❤️💖 you are brave and strong💪💪

If there is a can in cancer then we can beat cancer together.

Thank u.

By Alao Eniola Babatunde

Phone number :08114334866

Account number :2871872997

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