Muhammad Ali Jinnah the founder of Pakistan, was born on December 25, 1876, in a house known as Wazir mansion located in Karachi. His father name was Jinaah poonja, and mother was Mithibai, he belongs to a merchant family. He was a great politician and a well known lawyer of his time. He was a great politician and a well known lawer of his time. He struggled a lot for the freedom of the the Muslims of sub continent and on the behalf of his extraordinary efforts, he was rewarded with the title of Quaid-e-Azam [the father of the nation] by maluana Mazharud.
Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah received his early education from Sindh Madarsat ul Islam and Christan missionary school. He went to England for higher education and got admission at Lincolns lnn law school in LOndon. At thye age of 20 e enrolled in Bombay high court when he came back to British India, he was the youngest one to enter the bar, where he started to take interest in political affairs of thhe nation and became famous in the next three years. The advocate general of Bombay invited him to work for hhis bar and after six months offered a salary of 1500 rupees per month. which was a huge amount that time but gently refuses the offer and stated that he planned to earn 1500 daily and proved it possible in futer by his flawless effort. But as a Governer General of newly state PaKISTAN. He fixed 1 rupee as hhis monthaly salary. He was the man of the judiciary and sensible personality.
After the Pakistan resollution passed, he worked day and night and did not worried about his health which was going down day by day and he was dead on september 11, 1948 just 13 months after the creation if this beloved homeland
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