Deplorable Bigots
The mysterious disapproval of his person
Came with a shuddered, " unbelievable !"
They said , their testimony was a reason
To have accepted a act so despicable...
Despicable!! a act so despicable.
Twas like a putrid odor
From a deserted sacrifice to gods.
People's abstinence was evident ,
Non relations, neither associates
This is wrong!! so despicable.
Come to think of it.
How did we got here?
Your earth positioning ? How was it chosen?
By default , or predetermination?
If defaulted, then ,how was it chosen ?
Predestination? Who determined you?
How did we got here?
What's your fair take in all these ?
Love covers , love covers
If permitted , love covers all .
Foluso Goodluck.