These days, Persian cats are among the most popular breeds of cat. Well known for their gentle and sweet personalities and their long hair, Persian cats have very attractive features. They are great companions for virtually anyone, and not very demanding. Unlike other breeds, such as the Siamese breed, Persian breeds need very little attention.
Although white is the color normally associated with Persian cats, they actually come in a variety of other colors as well. During competitions, they are divided into seven color divisions – solid, silver and gold, tabby, shaded and smoke, particolor, bicolor, and Himalayan. No matter what color of Persian cat it may be, they are best noticed during competitions by their long and flowing coats.
Persian cats should always be kept inside of the house, to protect their coat. If they travel outside, they can easily damage their coat. They will also need to be brushed daily with a metal comb, or their coat can become tangled, which will lead to hairballs. You’ll need to bathe your Persian cat on a regular basis as well, to help protect his coat. Bathing works best when the cat is young, as it will get him used to it. Bathing should never be overlooked, as it will keep your cats coat looking clean and healthy. Although some breeds can maintain their coats on their own, Persians can’t. Their fur is long and dense and you’ll need to groom them daily to ensure their coat stays healthy.
The Persian breed is gentle and sweet, getting along great with everyone – including kids. They have a pleasant voice that is always good to hear. Using their voice and their eyes, they can communicate very well with their owners. They are very playful, yet they don’t require a lot of attention. They love attention however, and love being admired. Unlike other cats, they don’t climb and jump much at all. They aren’t destructive either; they just love being admired and lying around. A majority of the time, Persian cats love to bask in the sun and show others just how beautiful they truly are.
Although most breeds can be kept indoors or outside, Persian cats should always be kept inside and never allowed to go outside of the house. Keeping them inside with protect their coats and also keep diseases and common parasites away from them as well. You won’t have to worry about cars or dogs either if you keep your pet inside.
To ensure that your Persian pet stays healthy, you should always take him to the vet on an annual basis. If cared for properly, such as grooming, shots, and checkups, Persian cats can live as long as 20 years. One thing you’ll need to be aware of that’s common with Persians is their eyes. Their eyes are very big and can sometimes be too much for the cat to clean. This is a common healthy problem with the breed, and should be checked on a regular basis to ensure that it doesn’t get out of control.
When you compare Persians to other breeds, you’ll notice that the Persians are among the easiest to keep. You don’t have to worry about things like jumping or climbing, as Persians don’t like to do either. All you’ll need to do is feed your cat and groom him or him on a daily basis. Even though grooming can be quite a bit of work in the long run – it’s well worth it when you have a healthy an beautiful Persian cat.
To keep your cat healthy a majority of time, all you really need to do is give him good shelter, food, and plenty of water. Like other living things however, cats can get sick from time to time no matter what you do.
As a cat owner, you’ll want to ensure that you feed your cat only the best. Premium cat food is the ideal for cats, as the food is designed to keep your pet happy and healthy. You’ll also need to pay attention to his behavior, so you’ll know when he’s sick and when to take him to the vet. Most of the more common ailments and sicknesses are minor, although there are some cases where a vet can be the determining factor between life and death for your cat.
Your cat’s behavior will be one of the most critical factors when you are trying to determine whether or not he is under the weather. Acting sluggish, laying around all the time, lack of energy and not eating are all signs that you need to take him to the vet immediately. His coat is also a good thing to watch as well. If you notice his coat dull and patchy or notice him shedding abnormally, you should contact your vet as soon as you possibly can.
Diarrhea and vomiting are sometimes common, even with basic sickness. On the other hand, if your cat seems to be doing either one of the two for more than a day, you should contact your veterinarian. Coughing is common as well, simply because coughing will cats dislodge hairballs. If your cat seems to be coughing for another reason, you should have him checked out as soon as possible.
To ensure that your cat isn’t subjected to various diseases, you should always make sure that he stays up do date with his vaccinations. There are several diseases out there that require vaccinations, including rabies and feline distemper. Feline distemper is one of most devastating diseases a cat can get, yet it is also one of the easiest to prevent as well. The disease strikes cats very fast, and leaves you as an own very little time to seek treatment.
Feline leukemia is another disease that is very deadly, yet can be prevented early on with the proper vaccinations. Although the disease isn’t possible for humans to contract, it can be spread quickly among cats. There are vaccinations that can treat the disease these days, although you’ll still want to be careful and not expose other cats around a cat you know has feline leukemia.
Another problem, which is very common with cats that stay outdoors, is worms. Cats that have worms will normally have a lackluster coat and little to no appetite. There are several different types of worms, including ringworm and hookworm. Worms can come from fleas, lice, or even the organs of dead rodents that cats consume. Normally, the cat will digest the eggs which will later mature and attach themselves to the walls of the intestines. If you feed your cat garlic frequently during feedings, it can help to protect him against worms.
If you take care of your cat, chances are you’ll keep him healthy for years to come. You should always make sure he has quality food, and doesn’t miss any of his scheduled checkups with the vet. If he gets the proper vaccinations when he is required to get them, he should be safe against numerous pests and diseases. Taking the proper steps with your cat now will prevent anything from happening in the future.
When you decide to add a new cat to your home, it’s normally more exiting for you and your family than it is for the cat you already own. Although most cats are solitary by nature, most will also come to accept or eventually tolerate any additions. Cats can be very territorial, which is why you should always be careful when you introduce a new cat to your current cat.
If you are introducing kittens to one another, the entire introduction process can be short, lasting as little as 10 – 15 days. Introducing cats to each other all depends on their temperament and their personality. When you introduce a new cat to your current cat, you should always make sure that you give your current cat plenty of love and attention. This way, your cat will feel secure and know that he isn’t in competition with your new cat for affection.
When you bring your new cat home, you should let him stay in a safe room until you have finished introducing the cats. Your safe room can be any small room in your home, such as a bathroom or spare bedroom. The key here is to use a room that your current cat doesn’t go in. In the room, you should leave your new cat a scratching post, bed, water dish, litter box, and food dish.
At first, your current cat may howl and hiss when he stands at the door, trying to tell the other cat that he doesn’t belong. When this happens you should ignore it, as punishing your cat for his behavior will only lead to more problems. After a while, the first cat will start to act calm when he is near the new cat’s door. As he starts to act calm, you should pet him and give him praise.
When your first cat starts to go by your new cat’s door and doesn’t howl or hiss; you can start introducing them to each other. The best way to do this is to get them used to each others scent. You can start letting them eat out of the same food dish, although you’ll want to feed them at different intervals at first. This way, the scent of each cat will be present at the food dish, and each cat will get the scent when he eats his food.
Once both cats have got used to the scent, you can begin to feed them closer together. To do this, you should keep your new cat in the safe room with the door closed, and your first cat on the other side of the door with his food dish. This time, feed both cats at the same time. After doing this a few times, they should start eating without any hissing or growling. At this point, they are ready to be introduced to one another.
When you introduce them to each other in the same room, a bit of growling and hissing is to be expected. Although they may be used to each others scent; your first cat will still feel a bit awkward with your new cat being in his territory. You should play with them both at first, so they can smell one another and greet in their own way. If they start to fight you should break them up, and give them some time apart.
It may take some time to get them fully used to one another, although once they do – they will become playmates for life. Cats love to be social, although it may be a bit rough at first, especially for your first cat. Cats can be very territorial, especially if you have a kitten around. If you get both of them used to each other early on – it will be a lot easier to add future cats to your home.
Giving a cat pill can be a nightmare. No cat wants something shoved down his throat, and he will fight you tooth and nail to prevent it. Although most cats are small in size, you’d be quite amazed with how much power they actually have. There are ways that you can get your cat to take his pills, which we will cover below.
The easiest way to give a cat pill is to crush the power into a powdery form by putting it between two spoons. Once the pill is powder, mix it in with some wet cat food. Cats that are used to eating dry cat food will see the wet food and think of it as a treat. They will normally eat it up, unaware that they just took their medicine.
If the medicine happens to be in capsule form, all you have to do is pry the capsule apart then sprinkle the medicine on some wet food and serve it to your pet. If the food also contains the pill or if your pet is sick, chances are he won’t eat it. In this event, you should look into a pet piller. You can get these handy devices from your veterinarian. They are plastic rods that hold the pill until you press a plunger. When you get one, you should always get a long one with a softer tip.
When you get your gun, your vet should show you how to use it. The most difficult aspect of using the gun is getting your cat to open his mouth. The gun will more or less shoot the pill in the cat’s mouth, and down his throat. You’ll need to hold him tight, to make sure that he doesn’t wiggle his way loose. Once you have his mouth open, you’ll need to squeeze the trigger and pull the gun away quickly. After the pill has been inserted, make sure you give your cat a treat.
If you aren’t comfortable using the gun, you can always try giving your cat his pills by hand. To do it this way, you’ll need to hold your cat still, and open his mouth with your hand. Once you have his mouth open, you should aim for the back of his throat and throw the pill in. Once it is in his mouth, you should close his mouth with your hand and hold it shut for a few moments. This way, your cat will swallow the pill if he hasn’t already.
If you can’t get any of the above techniques to work, you can always go to a local pharmacy and get them to a make flavored gel or liquid using your cats medication. You should use this as a last resort though, as it can tend to get expensive.
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