Matters Of The Heart ❤️
Matters of the heart
Desire’s one cannot discuss
With family, one cannot entrust
Thoughts that bind you to this mortal plane
Sometimes it makes you pray you’re sane
Cus When it thunders your eyes they rain
They vary in people and are not the same
These thoughts come like you taking a tour
Till you find your sorry self craving for more
These are not feelings you think you can ignore
You guard your heart, break the keys and protect the door
But unknown to you a little leak still pours
The leaks are form anxiety, self pity and shame
Then they begin to grow till you just can’t tame
Cannot be controlled yet filtered
Focus less on wants but on what matter
Social illusion makes the world shine like glitter
But you’d find out some parts are actually bitter
Proverbs says to guard your heart
For everything you do flows from it
Not everything seen is true some deceit
A world sugar coated far from sweet
It’s not saying to make your heart cold
But have fun and chop life on code
Don’t always do as told
Most times wait and see how things unfold
The heart want what it wants they say
But too much stress on it makes it weak and fray
Things of the world might betray
But your God is here to Stay
There a little this poem can do
But it can be more if you work on you
Don’t let things they say get to you
Cus the only one that can stop you is you
Engage in beautiful things like art
When troubled it can help to calm your mind
Take your ears far from Rats
For only you know matters of your heart.