The ogirisi tree is very essential, tree in the cultural and the traditional life of an lgbo man. Its importants cannot not be over emphasized in the cultural and the spiritual rite’s of the lgbo man, also in the medicinal and health wise of any traditional native lgbo man. Ogirisi is an essential symbolic tree, known as the ‘Akoko’, in the Yoruba’s native language of Nigeria west Africa, and ‘Aduruku’, in Hausa language, as well as ‘Abot’, in Efik and lkhimi in Bini language of the same Nigeria speaking native’s.
The ogirisi is a short tree, sometimes with few branches, is not tall like the ‘Uzi’, or the lroko tree (osisi oji) it is a flowering plant, with a palatable neckter, food for man and insects and butterfly’s alike.
The ogirisi is called the Newbouda tree in English, it is an essential, substantial and a necessary tree, that is over all symbolic in the traditional lgbo natives Spiritual belief's system or views. In lgbo land, the Newbouda tree, is ussually fond in the land boundries, between neigbours, live reed fence ( owka ) mostly backyard fencing, in the front of family house, compounds, grooves and in the traditional lgbo cultural shrines, which serves as a unique symbol, funtions and purpose by which, it is being represented, wherever, it is planted. The Newbouda ( ogiri-lgbo ) is an enssential representative tree in the life of cultural lgbo native’s man, to some, its serves as a sign of their personal, family gods, in the front of their house, where, it is planted, to others, its represents their shrines, deties etc.
In the traditional lgbo cultures, the Ogirisi-lgbo ( Newbouda ) can be used many spiritual rite’s like prayers, victory, blessings, healths, medicinals and other spiritual atonment. According to, ‘Maduabuchi Dukor, he said”, ‘‘just like Palm tree Ogirisi-lgbo (Newbouda tree) is one of the neccessary superstructure and ontological centers around, which the destiny of the people revolves’’.
Therefore traditionaly the ogirisi-lgbo ( Newbouda tree ) in the life an lgbo man (culturally ) is a parts and parcels of the spiritually life, of the natives, in various ways like medicinal, from the roots, stems on decoction ands leaves etc. But that will be left, on our subsenquent update’s, is not the topic of discusion here.
Gi bu onye na agu edemede a, mara kwa na obu ogirisi aru enyere na ala lgbo, ma o toputa kwa n’ala lgbo kaa na ekwu maka ya,( ogirisi-lgbo ) ya bu osisi di nukwu mkpa na ndu na omenala di lgbo.
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