The palm tree is a tropical multipurpose and very useful economics tree plant. It is botanically, known as the Arecaceae, from the Arum family Arecaceae.The palm-tree has large family, of perinial flowering in monocot order Arecale, their growth stages varies, some are climbers, shrubs, tree-like, and stemless plant all commonly known as the palms.
Those having a tree-like, form are called Palm tree. Nowadays over 181 genera with more than 2,600 species are found mostly in the sub tropical climate's. It is an ever green tree-plant known with fronds, that's arange at the top of the stem. A source of food, fuel and wealth, other products and by products.
The lgbo natives of Nigeria West Africa Region, called it Akwu ('Nkwu) and the Hausa's, 'Gígínyàa, Gòorúbàa, also the Yoruba's culture's called, 'Igi Ope',.
Palm-tree is a Symbolic's and ontological, for the lgbo natives of South Eastern Nigeria West Africa, this tree, palm tree has a Symbolic's, rooted inherent cosmological, health, wealth, medicinal and the, a lot of economics potential, to its lgbo (natives) people of South Eastern Nigeria. 'Osisi Akwu', ('Nkwu) as its been called by the lgbo natives (palm-tree) is a very important tree for the lgbo man, historically this wonderful, multiuseful, wealth (rich) and economics tree, grows naturally wide, in almost all the South Eastern forest (land) as man communities evolves and developed, it's become domesticated some meters away from the family, house's and compounds in the South Eastern lgbo speaking natives of Nigeria., up to the, Agrierian stage, lgbo natives of South Eastern Nigeria, way back then, started, developing palm tree plantation in their region, which serves then, and will continue to serve, lf more attention is given to its productions, research and development as an overall useful important economics viable plant, for many families, kindreds, communities, up to the time (era) of regionals government, after the country, independent, which serves as a source of revenue for the development of the lgbo natives land then.
This tree 'palm tree', is a wonderful natural gift for the lgbo people of the South Eastern Nigeria. It is a useful and viable economics tree plant (Osisi Akwu) ' Nkwu', 'palm tree', which has a metaphysical, ontological and the cosmologically resemblance or emblemic to the lgbo universe.
The 'palm tree, it's self, as nature deposited it's, to the tropical's, and for the lgbo's, is an anthropological, unique resemblance as a multi useful, tree plant, ('palmtree'), which is an anthropo, replica of any lgbo man, wherever he or she is found, be it's in Asia, Middle East, America or Europe, that's its, an evidentially, how useful any lgbo man or woman are (industrious) in the world around them, through out the globe.
In other words, the potentials, benefits, usefulness and the possibilities of a fully matured 'palm tree, is a resemblance, emblem, of the industrious nature of the lgbo man natives, wherever they are found, even in this, era of globalization cum digitalization and rapids development's.
Because of the nature of this articles, we are not going too deep into the Symbolic's. Metaphysical, ontological and cosmological, expository potentials of a 'palm tree', to the lgbo man natives, Nigeria West Africa region.
Their Universal' views of 'palm tree and it's development, exploratios and seedlings exportations.
Rather we will have a little touch of our explanations to its anthropological relationships, potentials, benefits, and the usefulness of the 'palm tree to the lgbo natives, in our subsequent reviews, updates we will look into order areas of 'palm tree potential, usefulness, importance, views, and furtherance development, explorations, and seedlings exportations.
The benefits of a fully matured, fruitful 'palm tree', before now is enormous in the lgbo land speaking natives, the number of 'palmtree a man, 'has, ls used to determine how wealthy such a man 'ls', . A man who does not has a 'palmtree, is not considered as a fully grown man
PAIM TREE ROOT: The root of the ('palmtree) tree (ngborogwu-akwu) can be used in cureing spiritual diseases, ln his words, 'Maduabuchi Dukor', "The back of the palmtree is used in the treatment of sexual diseases cause by witches and wizards (187)''.
THE PAIM TRUNK: when hued (cut) dawn is used in the constructions of local bridges, across streams (Akwa-mmiri) other water ways, erosion's, ditches (pit) along parts or walking way's. The log when prepared as a timber or plank is used in the roofing of house's, way back, which is said to have, some sort of guards, (protection) to the house, also when thoroughly dried up, it can be used as a firewood.
The inside of the palm tree trunk, when 'rotten, or famented produced an edible maggots, ( Eruru-Akwu, or lkperikpe-Akwu), which serves as a snacks or sweet delicacy when properly prepared by the local natives.
THE PAIM LEAVES: , is used in the constructions of reeds fences in the lgbo natives land traditionally, to restricts domestics animals like goat, sheep, from entering into the yam bans from eating up the yams, cocoa yams and ( Ji, Ede, Una, na Adu) other unwanted movement including protections
(Igbo) eji Kwa lgu-akwu, agba oka, iji gbo chie, Ewu na Aturu ibata na azu ulo, ma o bu bata na oba ji, iri Ji, Ede, Adu, Una, ma obu ji-mbala, o na e ye Kwa aka na nche Kwa ihe ndi ozo di iche iiche.
PAIM FROND: Is also used in the feeding of domestic animals, like goat and sheep, constructions of shades (booths) which functions as a temporary natural canopy, with it cool fresh ventilations during traditional and cultural festivities in the lgbo native land.
Palm-fronds sticks or the bambo when twisted and prepared is used in the making of climbing ropes for cutting of palm-head (fruits), and for tapping of palm-wine .
Other uses are for basket making, brooms and so many other handy craft's products like sprayer, (local tray for spraying agro products in the sun).
PAIM WINE : The tree can produce natural wine, when properly tapped, (palm-wine) is very sweet, originally without any other form of additives, or mixture, when it is serve fresh and it's has some health benefits, like enhanced good sightedness, because of the presence of yeast, a catalyst to the Body and other Medicines, lt also enhanced sexuality's.
It is an age long cultural wine (African Bear) for the lgbo traditional society and for cultural festivities in the palm tree natives land. It is used traditionally for, prayers to God (Chi-Ukwu) gods (chi) and other religious rites, like during traditional marriage ceremonies etc.
PALM FRUITS: this parts of palm-tree is a source of food for man and energy, it has so many economics benefits and potentials, when the oil, in the fruits is properly extracted, it is called Palm Oil, and can be used as a table oil, nickname red oil, when added to a meal or food, it's serves, as fat and oil.
It is an important raw material for the cosmetics, soap industries as well as the pharmaceutical firms etc.
It is a highly demanded export commodity, for foreign exchange earnings.
Palm-oil also has its religious or spiritual dimensions, uses, in the traditional lgbo natives land, but as earlier said, time will not permit us to go deep into that (manu-nri).
PAIM KERNEL: Is another part's of a palm tree, that's has a lot of economics and commercial values, the shell when separated from the kernel is used as a materials for outdoor floorings, expectially in damp and swampy area's, it's serves like gravel's, when mixed with cements to achieve the same purpose, it is used in the constructions of open walk ways, (parts way's) and also used in the making of fire, when combined with fire wood, dried palm bamboo by the locals.
Apart from locally use of palm kernel, is equally highly demanded raw material for the cosmetic and soap industries like the red oil, which also has an export's potentials.
If you are looking, in search or needed of these types of raw materials in large quantities, come to its, 'lgbo land natives' soil, for example, in lsukwuato Abia State Nigeria, 'Ovim', (Orie ndu) to be precise. The locals also prepare oilment from the kernel, used for newly born babes as creams, hair oilment ( Elo-aku) nickname, it is anti couph oil, anti convulsion for children "anti food poison''.
It is also a good snacks for the lgbo's local natives, when combined with well prepared breadfruits, (Aki na Ukwa) roasted or cooked corn.
NEWLY SPROUT PAIM-FRONDS: The tender fronts of the palm-tree (up-shoot) called (Omu Akwu) by the locals, these has so many Symbolic's significance or emblem to the lgbo cosmology, but as earlier hinted in the middle of the passage above in this very essential article, that we are going to look into the periferial of its, significance, Symbolic's, importance and uses, of this newly up shoot of palm fronds
It is for the lgbo natives a symbol of sacredness, righteousness, purity, its serves as a danger tape Culturally and spiritually. Its also, serves as a vanguard that's transports sacrifices to the spiritual world.
When ever it is attached to any sacrifice, it's makes it, to be efficacious and as a ''spiritual conveyer'' to the lgbo cultural beliefs system. Whatever it is attached to that's objects or things become sacred and it's becomes restricted to certain Person's. For example traditionally, if a peace of land or plots of land wears it, it's signifies danger, disputes, no entry and restricted.
That's goes in harmony with what 'Maduabuchi.D', said that's, ''Omu is a vital categorical instrument because it's, demarcates, between righteousness, holiness and profanity, if any cash crop is wearing Omu it's means don't touch, because that's, signifies, a danger signal''. It drives away bad forces and spirit. It serves as an emblem or other spiritual signs (Omu-Akwu) in the lgbo natives land, and Spiritually belief system.
Even when the people, embraced Christianity, as parts of their way of life as a people, (lgbo's) right from the pre colonial, to the colonial era's, till date's, the people (lgbo's) as Christians, mark's, the celebrations of palm-Sunday's, which signifies, the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.
And so many other significance of the palm-fronds (Omu) in the lgbo traditional native land.
Gi bu nwa okoro-obia, na agu edemede a, ldu nye kwala Osisi Akwu, (Nkwu) nga ahu inwere ohere na-ala gi, onye nne, 'di, gi, odu nye kwara gi Akwu, nwunye nwa gi nke nweke ga eji zuo Umuaka ha.
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