Hair is made up of a protein called keratin. The hair that we see and care so much about is actually nothing but dead cells. The part that is living is below the scalp and is called the follicle. Near the follicle are the sebaceous glands that make the hair look vibrant and shiny. These sebaceous glands make the hair look oily or dry depending on the sebum production.
The following are the uses of herbs for hair growth:
The first positive thing about using herbs for hair growth is that there are no side effects associated with them like the drugs that are available in the market. If you have Lifeless hair, it can be made better with massage with good herbal oil.
Applying henna to hair deep conditions it. Henna is a very traditional and widely used treatment for hair growth. This herb is available in tropics. Henna is also used as a natural dye. Henna is mixed with other herbs like gooseberry, coffee and lemon juice. This mixture is a very good cure for hair fall.
Massage your hair with warm oil. Take a fresh green coconut and massage some warm coconut milk into the hair. Keep this on for an hour and a half. This will make the hair soft and healthy.
Use Aloe Vera gel on the hair once in a week and wash your hair.
Hair loss is usually due to infection that harms the follicle. You can get rid of this infection by the use of the water on the hair with Neem leaves that have been boiled for 5 minutes. Neem is considered as a natural disinfectant and doesn’t damage the hair shaft. It is also known to cure dandruff, which is also one of the reasons for hair loss.
Honey mixed with warm oil and a teaspoonful of cinnamon powder has to be rubbed into the scalp. This should be left on the scalp for around 15 minutes. This helps in hair growth and helps in keeping the hair soft and shiny.
Crushed olive leaves mixed with vinegar should be applied on the hair. This a great remedy for hair loss.
A paste made of honey and egg yolk is also used for hair growth. To counter the smell caused by egg can be countered by rinsing the hair with lemon juice
Doctors recommend diets rich in nutrients that boost the growth of hair. If your want to stop hair loss you should include lots of ‘Vitamin A’ rich diet. Eat green leafy vegetables like spinach, milk, sprouted beans and salads. Increase the intake of Protein rich diet and you will naturally healthy hairs which promote hair growth.
Good hair adds beauty to your personality and it is only a healthy body that can be capped with beautiful hair. Eating nutritious diet and protein rich diets that are healthy to your health will add starts to your crowning glory.
Have you ever read the label on your shampoo bottle? You’ll be shocked to learn that the ingredients found in many shampoos may pose a threat to your health.
Research has shown that various chemicals lurking inside shampoo may induce serious health risks, like memory loss, eye and skin irritation, hair follicle damage that can lead to hair loss, and even cancer.
While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration classifies personal care products, it does not regulate them. Therefore, there are no legal guidelines or boundaries for shampoo manufacturers to follow.
The descriptive “all-natural” has become a buzzword in the beauty world for environmental friendliness. What some shampoo makers leave out, however, is they still use the lathering agents, emulsifiers and synthetic fragrances that contain hundreds of harmful chemicals.
According to a company called Blinc Inc., it is very likely that the list of ingredients in a bottle of shampoo will contain some of the following additives:
* Propylene glycol, known as the main ingredient in antifreeze, is also found in makeup, toothpaste and in your shampoo. It can cause allergic reactions.
* Sodium lauryl sulfate and ammonium lauryl sulfate are common causes of eye irritation. They can also damage hair follicles. When absorbed into the body from continuous contact, they can bring on asthma attacks.
* Synthetic fragrances contain hundreds of chemicals, some of which have been known to cause headaches, dizziness, rash, hyperpigmentation, coughing and vomiting.
*The National Toxicology Program found that applying diethanolamine to a mouse’s skin induced liver and kidney cancer. DEA is readily absorbed through the skin and can also be toxic to the brain.
But before you decide to never wash your hair again, Blinc Inc. is simplifying consumer education by consolidating official government research on questionable ingredients found in many shampoos, conditioners and body washes.
The company’s philosophy of “Why take a chance?” means there are no controversial ingredients in its haircare products. They are 99.8 percent vegetable derived and as close to natural as possible while effectively cleansing without causing irritation to eyes or skin or damaging hair.
When they do begin falling, we worry endlessly and try to find remedies. What are the reasons for hair fall? Let us try and find out as many of them as we can and find out how to stop that.
Hair loss – some reasons
The main reason other than genetic or a disorder is mishandling of hair. When we have good hair, we want to experiment with that. We get it colored. Go for perming. Get other heat and chemical treatments done to look good. Every treatment that changes hair does it by hurting the cuticle. After many treatments the cuticle cannot take it and breaks down. The cortex (inner part of hair) also fails and hair breaks. If the chemicals reach the pore and destroy the follicle growth there, you lose the hair.
Chemotherapy in cancer makes one loose hair. That is temporary and because of the therapy. After sometime the hair grows back. Some medicines cause hair loss. If you are on medication and are suffering hair loss, please ask your doctor about possible connection. Diet is another reason. Low iron or proteins may cause hair loss. Women lose hair after pregnancy but get them back. Unless you are suffering from alopecia aerta or genetic hair loss, you can easily find out the reason and rectify that. Please talk to your doctor about any supplements that can help you have healthy hair. Also discuss possible reasons specific to you for your hair loss.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
Our ancestors did not have the benefit of today’s scientifically researched drugs, but they often found natural remedies that worked just as well. Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to treat everything from premenstrual syndrome to high blood pressure. Men experiencing the first signs of baldness often looked to natural cures as well, and some of the herbal remedies have surprising results.
A group of dermatologists in Scotland tested an herbal remedy with great success, helping over 40% of their patients with a mixture of essential oils containing cedarwood, lavender, rosemary and thyme. In this double blind study, the group using the essential oils showed improvement in 40 percent of the subjects, while only 15% of the control group noted an improvement.
So, would you be interested in trying out aromatherapy as a hair loss solution? If you’d like to experiment with this, mix three drops each of lavender and rosemary oil with two drops each of cedarwood and thyme oils. Add this mixture to 4 teaspoons of grapeseed oil and one-quarter teaspoon of jojoba oil. Rub the mixture into your scalp for two minutes nightly, then use a warm towel to wrap your head.
If you’re not experiencing baldness yet, but your hair doesn’t look healthy, you may want to try a mixture of lavender and bay essential oils to stimulate blood flow to the scalp and help circulation to the area. About six drops of each oil should be added to.......
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