Colon Cleansing

Ayesha Raza2022/01/05 14:56

Colon cleansing, also known as therapy, or hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation encompasses a number of alternative medical therapies claimed to remove unspecified toxins from the colon and intestinal tract by removing supposed accumulations of faces.

Colon Cleansing


A naturally clean colon is a sure path to a healthy living. Through cleansing your colon and taking proper measures to maintain its proper functions you can achieve the following benefits:

1. Rejuvenation and detoxification of your body in and out

2. Restoration and maintenance of regular bowel movements

3. Reduction of toxins in your body which greatly increase your physical energy

4. Elimination of fecal wastes leading to reduction of body weight

5. Healthier digestive system

One popular method of cleansing your colon is the oxygen method. This is a scientifically formulated process that employs oxygen in flushing out accumulated fecal wastes through oxidation. During this oxidation process, the fecal wastes are destroyed, and provide beneficial oxygen to the colon and lymph nodes.

Using an oxygen-based product, oxygen is released into the blood vessels and flushes out accumulated toxic wastes from the colon. Through a smooth release of the oxygen, this process creates a harmful environment for bacteria that causes toxicity in the colon. These toxins are removed from the body, while good bacteria remain to aid in the proper digestion.

Unlike fiber-based products, oxygen-based products are gentle for the colon because it does not remove good bacteria.

Our colon is the organ of the digestive system that also affects other organs of the body. When the colon health is being compromised or in the brink of disorder, other organs such as the liver or the kidney cannot work efficiently.

The colon is the starting place of all body activities. The digestive system breaks down food particles into a molecular level to be absorbed by the body. When the colon is not properly functioning, nutrients are not absorbed by the body to nourish cells and tissues. Waste products also will not smoothly leave the body and can be transformed into toxins that can poison the body.

If the colons function is not proper, food particles will pass through the system very slowly, allowing undigested food and toxic wastes to be accumulated in the intestinal lining. When the colon is affected it can lead to certain health problems such as constipation, flatulence, gas pains and even the fatal colon cancer. Common signs and symptoms that normally show when there are accumulated toxins in the intestinal lining include headache, body odor, bad breath, allergies, irritability, bloating, flatulence, acne, eczema and other skin infections.

Most health problems are attributed to an unhealthy colon. Thus, the demand for colon cleansing is booming in the recent years. However, this process is gaining controversy because some manufacturers claim that their product, aside from colon cleansing, can also help in losing weight and helps in avoiding certain kinds of cancer such as colorectal cancer or simply known as the cancer of the colon.

On the other side, some conservative doctors believe that colon cleansing is not necessary and can even cause harm in the digestive system. If you are interested to undergo a therapy, you should seek first the approval and the opinion of your family doctor so that you can ensure that the process you want to use is the most practical and safest among the available products in the market.

The most common form of a colon cleanse is colon irrigation or hydrotherapy. This method detoxifies the colon by flushing out and neutralizing the body toxins. In the simplest sense, hydrotherapy is an enema administered by a professional. Aside from toxic wastes, colon cleansing can also get rid of congestion and excess mucus that are have been trapped in the intestinal lining for years.

There are many benefits when you do a colon cleanse. Colon cleansing strengthens the immune system for better living. The colon is also a healthy environment for harmful bacteria and intestinal parasites that often lay eggs. This situation can weaken the immune system resulting to certain diseases.

The colon cleanse process can also reduce or even completely eliminate constipation. Since a poor diet deprives the body with essential vitamins and nutrients, intestinal linings will be accumulated with fecal wastes. It would be easier for wastes to flow into your system after a successful colon cleanse.

Colon cleansing also gives you enough energy for your daily needs. A person will naturally feel better. Some experts also claim that colon cleansing can help in avoiding cancer by flushing out harmful substances such as toxins.

Weight loss is another benefit of a colon cleanse. It also clears our skin impurities and improve complexion. When the colon is blocked with toxins, this also clogs up in the skin.

In hydrotherapy, a tube is inserted into the anus to fill up the colon with lukewarm distilled water. Toxins, with remains and toxic wastes which have accumulated in time are flushed out from the colon.

You can also take special supplements that are usually composed of herbs and nutrients. Oxy colon irrigation use oxygen powder or liquid to flush out toxins and waste by-products. This method gets rid of fecal waste from the colon.

However, as the years pass by without intervention and proper fiber diet, some of these fecal wastes gets accumulated in the colon and intestinal lining increasing the total body mass of the person by several pounds. It can also add to the bulky midsection of a person or commonly known as apple obesity or simply the dreaded beer belly.

A health professional such as a dietitian can help you with the information on these harmful effects. Also, you can find numerous online sources such as websites that offer information on different diagnosis, side effects and contraindications of many colon cleansers, herbs and synthetic supplements.

Once you are quite sure that a product is safe, that is you have consulted your doctor and read all necessary information, you are now ready to begin the process of colon cleansing.

Maybe you have heard of colon cleansing. Then there are numerous products being introduced in the television and the internet offering to get rid of the toxins and wastes that is clinging in the lining of your large intestines. Some colon cleansers claim that they can clean your colon in just three days, while there are some which can take as long as a number of weeks.

Also other will jeer at the idea that your digestive system can be cleansed in such a short time and instead they will offer to work the process in as long as a month. For some producers it is not enough considering the numerous follow-up treatments needed.

Then, who decides when your colon is clean? How can we be sure that our colon is really cleansed when we can’t see our colons? The answers will surprise you since many producers of colon cleanser products falsely claims that a single product can clean the colon of everyone. This misconception has resulted to serious health problems for people who have special cases. Manufacturers often employ aggressive marketing and scare tactics encouraging consumers to take excessive amounts of their products.

Colon cleansing improves your digestion. The process of digesting food particles combines a mechanical and chemical process of transforming food into molecular level to be absorbed by the body. During the colon cleansing process, the supplements stimulate and tone the natural body secretions and functions of the stomach, pancreas, liver, intestines and also the colon so that digestion will be smooth.

The best method of determining whether the colon cleansing procedure is successful or not is to take a closer look into your overall health, and food practices. As an example, a colon cleanse product might have a strong laxative in addition to the normal cleansing agent that is only recommended for a short period of time. Furthermore, a colon cleanse that is administered with a product to get rid of intestinal parasites needs to be taken slower but for longer duration to take out fecal wastes including parasites and their eggs.

With the accumulation of fecal wastes, you may feel symptoms such as bloating, constipation, body odor, flatulence and stomach pain. When your colon cleansing is successful, those symptoms would disappear normally for two to three days since the fecal waste that’s causing them were flushed out. When your constipation and stomach ache is gone, it is suggested that your colon is cleaned. For some the procedure will take longer than the other methods based on the fecal buildup.

In this view, it can be harmful to follow the recommendations of the manufacturers because obviously they are biased. Listen to your body or at least consult an expert such as a dietitian or a nutritionist.

Sometimes, the toxins taken out from colon cleansing flows in the skin resulting from rashes, acne and flu-like symptoms. Only a medical doctor or a colon specialist can say whether a person should undergo a colon cleansing procedure or the normal side effects.

It is also wise to note that the toxins that are released and taken out may take time than the actual fecal buildup, thus it is not recommended to keep on using the same colon cleanser just to experience less lethargy or shinier hair. If you would wait for that time, it might lead to another health problem as too much laxatives in your body is not good.Most ingredients to create a simple yet effective colon cleansing diet can be found in a typical grocery store. However, you should only use this diet if you are not pregnant, breastfeeding or suffering from a medical condition. If you are really interested in a colon cleansing treatment, consult your doctor first.

Most experts and health practitioners believe that most diseases are attributed to an unhealthy colon. A colon cleanse procedure is necessary to obtain maximum wellness of the body. By getting rid of fecal wastes from the body, your entire system can be restored.

A homemade colon cleanse treatment program can be composed of simple changes in your dietary plan to get rid of such horrible waste. Most people have low intake of fibers that’s why they are prone to constipation, irregular bowel movement, and improper function of the digestive tracts. A homemade cleansing plan can aid with these problems in a very natural and gentle way.

The colon or the large intestine is probably one of the organs of our body that we often don’t pay attention to. This organ’s primary function is to provide storage area for fecal wastes from the body and maintain the water balance. It can also absorb vitamins, minerals, salt and water that are not properly absorbed in the small intestines.

Since most people eat low-fiber foods, constipation, flatulence and bloating are very common. On the other hand, eating foods that are very rich in fiber can improve digestion and elimination. Colon cleansing can further help in the process.

The main goal of any colon cleanse is to help our body in the thorough elimination of fecal wastes. In order to do this, we will need to gently add fiber-rich foods to our diet. During this dietary habit, we are also required to drink more water to help in the smooth elimination of wastes.

If you are experiencing any severe medical condition, seek the opinion of your physician first before you start any cleansing program, never start any program if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as it will significantly affect the health of your baby.

Use only organic foods during the cleansing program however do not stay on a colon cleansing regimen for more than three days.

To do a homemade colon cleansing program you should find the following either from a local health store, grocer, or your kitchen:

1. Fiber-rich fruits – Only buy organic fruits that are not treated with any pesticide. The best fruits that you can use are grapefruit, promegranate, berries, citrus fruits and apple.

2. Vegetables – vegetables are very high in fiber especially if they are fresh. Some of the best selections include broccoli, lettuces, zucchini and other green leafy vegetables.

3. Fresh drinking water – Your water should be very clean and should pass through a water filtration system to avoid contamination.

4. Organic supplements – some organic supplements help a lot in the cleansing process. Products that are very high in psylium husk are very rich in fiber.

Take these products for one to three days. Do not take it for a longer period of time unless suggested by a health professional. After this diet, you can return to your regular eating habits gradually by adding grain, meat and dairy very slowly, at least one serving every meal.

You may also find yourself with a significant change in your overall eating habits.

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