CoronaVirus, a threat to human life.
Coronavirus is a contagious immune respiratory disease. I still remember the strict SOPs implemented by Sindh government of Pakistan to reduce the chances of spread of this disease. All people were restricted to homes. Offices and educational institutes went online. Many of the people lost their loved ones. It was a heart breaking situation. My home is in small town of Karachi. I too felt uncomfortable and sad. As the days passed off the COVID-19 spread like plague. Doing online assignments of my Federal Urdu University was rather stressful with no physical exercise. Many people were in traumatic condition.
Social distancing, wearing mask and using sanitizer became mandatory. Medical team and health workers became active. People were vaccinated free of cost. It was a very big dilemma for world economy. My last Eid was very simple. Eid is an Islamic festival after the month of fasting i.e. Ramadan. Media and world health organizations started working hand in hand to ensure health to all its citizens.
Coronavirus has taught us a valueable lesson of hospitality, unity and discipline. We must safeguard ourselves. "Precaution in any circumstances is better than cure", this I gradually learnt during the outbreak of this pandemic. In different holy places like mosques and churches etc. people were seen praying and asking forgiveness from Lord the Almighty Allah. Media circulated different programmes of boosting immune system during this devastating situation. World trade and economy suffered greatly, as markets were closed and there was very less or no business. It's my pray to God, "May health, happiness and love prevail throughout the world." Ameen.