[Book Corner] Read Iced Out (Leighton U, #1) by C.E. Ricci

Fleurette Chaloux2023/11/24 16:00

[Book Corner] Read Iced Out (Leighton U, #1) by C.E. Ricci

(Discover the book Now) Iced Out (Leighton U, #1) By C.E. Ricci Full Pages PDF Audio-books and eBook.

Calling all book lovers! My latest creation is here, waiting to transport you to a world of imagination. Dive into a story that will captivate your heart and mind. Ready to start the adventure?



Book Detail:Iced Out (Leighton U, #1)

All's fair in hate and hockey.My path to success never included an enemy as a teammate, especially one as infuriating as Quinton de Haas.Clawing under my skin is his favorite pastime, only feeding the animosity between us as the years pass.We?re as completely opposite as two people can be; the golden boy and the black sheep.Constantly at odds or at each other?s throats.The only thing we can agree on is hockey is our true love, and we?ll do whatever it takes to come out on top.I never imagined that drive would lead me to do the unthinkable: falling into bed with my not-so-straight rival.But athletes are a superstitious bunch, and when our hook-ups lead to victories, we tell ourselves we can?t stop.Besides, it?s all for the sake of the team, right?*Iced Out is the first in a five book standalone college sports romance series featuring two misunderstood rival teammates, pages of snarky banter, and more secret spicy times than any book should be filled with. Not suitable for anyone under

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