[Book Corner] Read Greek Myths: Gods and Goddesses by Jean Menzies

Fleurette Chaloux2023/11/24 13:57

[Book Corner] Read Greek Myths: Gods and Goddesses by Jean Menzies

(Read the book Now) Greek Myths: Gods and Goddesses By Jean Menzies Full Pages PDF Audio-books and eBook.

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Book Detail:Greek Myths: Gods and Goddesses

The stories of the Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece are sprawling, dramatic and strange; lives intertwine and behaviours fluctuate wildly from benevolent to violent, from didactic to fickle, from loving to enraged.Part of the Macmillan Collector?s Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover.In Greek Myths: Gods and Goddesses Jean Menzies sets out to capture the magic of these stories and to make sense of the mythological world. Drawing on a wide variety of retellings, and with an entertaining commentary to guide the reader through them, Greek Myths: Gods and Goddesses is the perfect book for learning about the world of the Greek deities and a treat for all fans of Greek Mythology.Greek Myths have been part of Western culture since they were first set down by the ancients. The fact that there is no one definitive account means that through the

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