シェア - Societal dysfunction
Mental Health and Healthy Relationships.
This blog dives into issues dealing with mental health and how to maintain healthy relationships with members of your family or loved ones who have been diagnosed with mental disorders.
Why our society focus on better education?
Major issues or reasons because of which our society and people focus on better or higher education.
Need I say more?
Need I say more?📣📣 Our manners are gone! Our loves 💘 ain't genuine! Religious Institutions ⛪ 🏫 are now salesy! Need I say more?📣🔊 Nobody wanna associate with a hungry hustler, but they turn up when he's got a delicacy 🚀🚤✈💐🎊🎆🎇🎉 So our government took away our commonwealth & they made it their lineage wealth 💰 💵 💷 💶 💴💸💱 Need I say more? 👄 Knowing somebody who also knows somebody is the new requirement! Need I say more? 👄 📣🔊 Criminals 🔫 🚬🔪 are footloose and now so free! And we deny LGBTQIAPD a place in our society! And yet we pretend to believe love is love in its entirety! 🌹❤💙💚💛💜💓💕💖💗💘💝💞💟 Social Injustice on every street! Need I say more?? 🎤 🔊 🗿 - @1AbiodunOf234