Need I say more?
Need I say more?📣📣
Our manners are gone!
Our loves 💘 ain't genuine!
Religious Institutions ⛪ 🏫 are now salesy!
Need I say more?📣🔊
Nobody wanna associate with a hungry hustler, but they turn up when he's got a delicacy 🚀🚤✈💐🎊🎆🎇🎉
So our government took away our commonwealth & they made it their lineage wealth 💰 💵 💷 💶 💴💸💱
Need I say more? 👄
Knowing somebody who also knows somebody is the new requirement!
Need I say more? 👄 📣🔊
Criminals 🔫 🚬🔪 are footloose and now so free!
And we deny LGBTQIAPD a place in our society!
And yet we pretend to believe love is love in its entirety! 🌹❤💙💚💛💜💓💕💖💗💘💝💞💟
Social Injustice on every street!
Need I say more?? 🎤 🔊 🗿