I am a poet,
A bard with victorious pen,
Manipulating words,
Causing readers to think.
I write to Inspire
To give knowledge
To Encourage and add life to the dead hearts.
I write to create a unique style of words,
I am a wordSmith, A composer of words
That heals the wounded hearts
That gives life, happiness and memories.
I write something amazing, encouraging,inspiring and aspiring.
Come ride with me
The Victorious pen.
My writing of words is creating a wonderful pictures in your life,
My pen is a pen for maintaining your happiness in your heart.
There is no blaspheming, constraints, versatile in my pen
I write words of comfort,to aching friends
I write to ease pains.
My pen spill out words of passion,
Words of love and adoration
Of the heart and mind.
My pen is the beautification of all heart
That create space to accommodate
My beautiful lyrics are
Poetry is my passion
I am a poet.
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