Getting started

What is Baskadia?

Baskadia is a social media platform as follows:

  • Everyone can get started for free.
  • It's easy to share your picture, comic, blog, novel, poem, etc.
  • You can post both a single page story and a multiple page story (e-book).
  • An optional feature, Collabo - you can permit other users to freely post derivative works based on your original work.
  • There are many other great features. Try it first!

How to start Baskadia?

  1. If you don't have Baskadia account yet, sign up for free.
  2. Edit your profile.
  3. Create, edit and publish your posts. To begin with, go to the upload page. For more information, see Publish your posts.
  4. When you find your favorite posts, please like and/or comment on them. You can also follow your favorite users.