Biker no war
We love our world
Stand with Ukraine
The "Russian Peace" in the Ukraine
lungsout / Danly Escudero
Holy War
Just a piece that i made for a friend
Ukraine and Russian war news updates
Russia's war in Ukraine entered its fourth week Thursday with civilian areas battered from the air, Moscow's military offensive stalled on the ground and little sign of an imminent end to the conflict or the humanitarian crisis it has fueled. Ukraine accused Russian forces of bombing a theater in besieged Mariupol that was sheltering hundreds of people and, according to satellite images from the U.S. government-linked technology firm Maxar, appeared to have the word "CHILDREN" written outside the building in huge white letters.
Hassan Hayat
Ukrain and Russia war
Ukraine and Russia war which the Russia attack on ukraine to annex the territory of ukraine
Russia grows war enrollment drive. How? Utilizing video promotion calling for 'genuine' men
War Dance
Warrior Dance of an Indigenous Igbo tribe in Nigeria
Innocent people need help
Captain America
This is one of the most bravest avenger I love to watch, he really fights with passion, HIS combat skills quite remarkable, it keeps you super intact on the couch.
Key Heavenly
Stupid people😑
Sadly, we are seeing slander and defamation of people living in or from Russia. It is wrong! It is politicians who start wars. If you have something to say, you should direct it towards the country's politicians. The general public is innocent of any crime. Send the slandering fools naked to the battlefield.😠
I am very anxious.
President of Ukraine, I want to believe you, but I hope you will not trigger a world war. Your country should not receive military assistance from the US.😢
A funny war😹
Never give up even if it seems to be difficult for you 🙏🖖
The War on Drugs
Comics About Drug Culture, The War on Drugs
IRON MAN My Best Marvel Character and Avenger
Iron man is a quite brilliant character, who at any moment in life he faces obstacles, finds a suitable solution to them, always comes back better than he was previously, his quite a resilient human.
Candy war
mars at war card
Design 3 Stop racism "Skin color does not define a person's worth, what matters is their heart and character."
Fiction Lover
Mega War Machine
Last days of star wars . War machine on action.
I really mean it.🤔
🤔 The Russian president is a judoka, so why not have a judo match with the Ukrainian president without using any weapons? 🤔