Sumair Sialvi
A poor man story
A poor boys story on his life
Ghulam Raza Almani/Badin.Pakistan
Photos of sindhi poor people
Photos of sindhi poor people #Khorobehrani/badin #photos #sindhi #poor
Sindhi old man smiling photo
sindhi old man smiling photo PHOTOGRAPHER BY GHULAM RAZA ALMANI
Ghulam Raza Almani/ Badin_Sindh_Pakistan
ghulam raza almani badin peeru lashari sindh pakistan Photographer:-Ghulam Raza Almani/Badin_Sindh.Pakistan_ Connect/ [email protected]
Asian youngster Black and White photo s
Asian Man black&white photos Photographer:-Ghulam Raza Almani/Badin_Sindh.Pakistan_ Connect/ [email protected]
Greatest Grace
This is a great opportunity for me to talk about the greatest grace or surpportive ginger as my title which pop up in my mind and i don't even know why those names were chosen by me but, that is for now.
Were Are Alone
Poor man crypto
Mazhar Ali
Smile for father
My son smile is my life.