Show charity to the people around you who needs it no matter how small.
Charity is a great virtue give the little you have nothing is small.
Soft Purple Matter
Beauty in the petals
People are gonna judge you no matter what you do so live your life.
No matter what happens in you, be thankful of what you have always ❤️
Expressing gratitude in him 🙏❤️
Only matter is colour
All love black until it came to people
Don't look at people to do your thing Just do the right thing no matter what people say
Always speak the truth no matter what you are into
Salymestar Waeni
Black lives Matter🖤
Portrait Of Typewriter With Black Lives Matter Photo
A portrait image of a typewriter with the words Black Lives Matter.
I gotcha no matter what.
Looking good
In life the way you look matter a lot in to the people out there
My age, height, looks will not matter to this world, When I become a rich man.❤️🖤
مرتے دم تک محنت کرنا مگر غرور مت کرنا کیونکہ ایک پیڑ سے لاکھوں ماچس بنتی ہیں پر ایک ماچس لاکھوں پیڑوں کو جلانے کی طاقت رکھتی ہے۔❤️🖤
Colour doesn't matter until you know how to carry them❤️🔥
Bridget U
#Happiness is free no matter what be happy always.
Cindy's guide
Relationship matter
(Wise woman builds her woman)
Rina Blue
"A Friend in need is a Friend indeed"💛
Something that also matters to me.
No pain no gain
Pran kumar
something to think about
Kul bingoos
No matter how hard you try, keep trying until you get the result..😊
Keep trying
In life, everything is matter.