Mountain view in Indonesian
Surga kecil.
Foqi gaming
Jayalah negeriku
The boy's expression looks tired while he is selling his wares, 1910
portrait of Indonesian citizens during the war who looked quite happy when photographed
the boy was riding a buffalo to go to the fields .
Indonesian boy receives first smallpox vaccine
Muhammad ali When visiting Indonesia, I was riding traditional Indonesian transportation
the men were relaxing in a simple place to eat
You can Run
Fame Davids Sitohang
Sumatran coffee farmers
view of Lintong coffee farmers resting in the Sumatran highlands, precisely on the outskirts of the Toba super volcanic lake
The Recital Karawitan Indonesian Arts Institute
Documentation of a musical recital at the Indonesian Arts Institute, Surakarta
Broken home
This is INDONESIAN MOUNTAIN. what's your feeling guys?
Traditional wedding dress for one of the Indonesian tribes in 1910
Haapya wedding
Digital art
Women soldiers
war volunteers, these women are training to go to the battlefield and fight the invaders during the 1946 Indonesian war, female heroes
Dancing women
This dancing woman with traditional clothes that is complete and open on the chest is from Bali Indonesia when it was still called the Dutch East Indies 1922,
Medical Student
practice of medicine in one of the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) era schools in 1920
Poppet show
Dutch natives and children watch a puppet show together in indonesia 1948
scenery in the era of 1930 Indonesia during the Dutch East Indies .