Benefits of Exercise - Exercise
I’ve been writing about benefits of exercise for a long time - and over the past few years, I have made it my business to find the best, Exercise most effective ways to get fit. But there are so many things that could be said about this topic. In a nutshell, here are some of them:
1) We all need to exercise in one way or another. Whether we’re talking about walking up a flight of stairs, playing tennis or lifting weights, it’s hard not to know that we can do some good by getting our bodies moving.
2) There are lots of different types of exercise. There is cardio (which runs down your legs), strength training (which works muscles at their largest size) and yoga or Pilates (which is a great way for your body and mind to work together). All three will help you feel better; but these are just different ways of saying the same thing: calories burned, muscles worked out and improved cardiovascular health all lead to feeling happier, more energetic and generally more well-being.