Kofta made from Beef
Rfissa (Moroccan traditional food)
Moroccan traditional food
Peace ✌️ Author
Moroccan sweet
Some of Moroccan sweet, it is so sweet.
Steamed beef the Moroccan way
This was the meal of the EID.. my favorite
Nature green plants
This is one of the plants i have in my garden
Moroccan tagine
I made this amazigh tagine for m'y mom. she loves it!!
Beautiful flowers
I took this a month ago .. I love flowers 🥰🌷
Oued zem AKA Oz city, small city in Morocco
It's raining today😘😋🤲
Moroccan ladoo (CHEBBAKIA)
A very popular moroccan necessity in RAMADAN. We have it with dates and harira
Moroccan money
What i have left this month!! 😭😭😂😂
Moroccan HARIRA
For RAMADAN, we have this soupe EVERYDAY..sooo délicieus!!
Fried sardines
I took this a few dans ago..LOVE Fried sardines..It's a Moroccan favorite
Bref tagine with prunes
Another traditional moroccan meal, so délicieus
Moroccan chicken traditional meal
This was made in a small village near a Moroccan city called DEMNAT by my friend Nejma
Moroccan traditional carpet
A cute red carpet
Moroccan kefta (kabab)
Moroccan meal
Moroccan breakfast
Moroccan tea
Freejolito, a bird i rescued!
Moroccan Rfeessa
Moroccan traditional dish
Un thé marocain en pleine nature