
The power of the auto bio comic… and going for it… Awais khan here - so inspiring to see how Rachael’s human condition in storytelling and drawings – pings! Am so much in awe, I’m having to have a coffee to process my connection …. Rachael Smith on the 2020 Graphic Novel Prize shortlist with Stand In Your Power What comes first - the graphic image or the funny idea for story? I suppose what came first for my graphic novel was a break up! But I had published a similar graphic novel called Wired Up Wrong a year before this one so in many ways I was just carrying on that idea of putting my problems down on paper. I think generally, for me, the ideas come from drawing so maybe ideas happen all at once from both things. What publications are your dream places for publishing your work? Avery Hill Publishing have published two of my graphic novels (The Rabbit' and Artificial Flowers) and they are great folks to work with. I'd love to have something out with First Second or Top Shelf one day.