
NARRATIVE BIO A native of Oyo state, Nigeria, Olaniyi Daniel Babatunde had his primary and post-primary education in Lagos and Ogun state respectively. Throughout his life, Daniel has always been fascinated by images and how the world is represented. Naturally, he was drawn to art. The interest was cultivated during his childhood and further developed when he opted to take his Bachelors of Art degree at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-ife, Nigeria. In 2016, after completing his degree, Daniel delved more into his artistic Practice and set up a private studio, where he has since been working full time. Over time, he has explored to advantage the use of mixed media and he has exhibited in various cities in Nigeria. His work “Beauty” was chosen by Amber Rose as a finalist piece of art to display at the 2017 SlutWalk, in Los Angeles, in October, 2017. His works can be found in private collections around the world. Daniel works and live in the city of Abeokuta, Ogun (south-west Nigeria).