The Tropical Tree
This Tropical Tree Is So Toxic That Even Standing Near It Could Be Dangerous..During your travels, you’ve probably seen trees with cautionary signs and a bright red band painted around their trunks to warn all passers-by. These signs indicate some of the world’s most deadly plant species. The manchineel tree is one toxic plant you should be aware of.The manchineel (Hippomane Mancinelli) is native to tropical areas of southern North America, including South Florida, northern Central and South America, and the Caribbean. The plant gets its name from the Spanish word manzanilla, which means “little apple,” because its fruit and foliage look like apple trees. The manchineel is a tropical plant with bright green leaves and round, yellowish-green fruits that belongs to the Euphorbia genus. But don’t be fooled: every part of manchineel is poisonous. “Interaction with and ingestion of any part of this tree may be lethal,” according to the Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences