Early in the morning the birds sing their welcoming songs to a new day and the rays of sunshine greet the new day.The African child wakes up to go to the spring to fetch some water.The water is icy cold so early in the morning.
On the way back from the spring you hear chattering and singing as a group of children welcome the new day happily not minding their barefeet.When they reach home they do their early morning chores with enthusiasm.They start roasting their millies so that they will have something to eat when they go out with the cattle to the pastures.
Later on they let out their cattle to go to the pastures.The children will spend the day enjoying,playing different types of games and experimenting new things.At some point you see them milking the cows and drinking their milk when they are hungry.
As the sun starts to set,they start their journey back home with the cattle.Excited to be going home at last to have a proper meal and to rest.