Newton Ofori
Best Memes
Konain Danish
Memes showing Photographer's passion for his photography
A photographer making photo of goat and showing to him . This photograph tell us about photographer's passion for his photography.
The magic of your love
Its the magic of your love,My love your love is a magic my dear Together we laugh and we have that cheer A connection that beats against the time When I feel that blush to call you mine I want to confess that you are the most Important part of my life my boy With you, I feel so carefree With you, I feel so coy You complete me in every sense We will love forever in the future tense Just the music,you and me Just the moonlight walking by the sea That is my love so pure for you Baby, I love you Hap
Valentine day
Baby when I say that its love Baby when I say that I love you I mean every word of it You took my heart on first glance You gave me all in a bit The moment you look in my eyes I forget who I was in vice The moment I see you Is the moment I want to get close to you If this is love then it is true Baby I am in love with you Yes it's so true..I love you Happy Valentine's Day to you!
Wedding problem/wahala
I am still thinking on what happened to me last Saturday. I was invited to a wedding when i reached the hotel, i found two doors written, 1.bride relatives 2.groom relatives I entered the one with groom relatives and found two more doors, 1.ladies 2.gentlemen I went through the one with gentlemen, only to find two more doors, 1.people with gifts 2.people without gifts I went through the one written people without gifts😀and found myself outside the hotel through the backdoor😂.
Christmas is around the corner, Dave isn't in mood. Read to find out what is happening.
Funny joke
Just few jokes to make you smile
Kinzah Jutt
Fulfil Your | Dreams with Motivation - Ride on Motivation
“Set your dreams. Ride on motivation and Get your dreams.” Don't wait for magic, Start right now! You are fairy of your life,,,,,
Kiss Bee
Flowers Lips
Cat Nap
Cat Rest
Sayid Ahmed
Sick baby...🤫🤫🤫
Photo of the year.
Memes don’t hurt
Just memes please
Meme Boy
Altine Kasre
The Book Of The Disquiet
Life is an experimental journey undertaken unvoluntarily. It is a journey of the spirit through the material world and, since it is the spirit that travels, it is in the spirit it is experienced. ~ Fernando Pessoa
Funny cat
Memories #02
This photo was taken 2015 when a group of youngsters chilling on the beach while waiting for sunrise.
the beutifull Nature of Banladesh