I am an island

Nonetheless2023/08/15 12:12

In solitude's embrace, I dwell alone,

A symphony of thoughts in silence sown.

The world around me hums a distant song,

Yet I'm an island where I do belong.

The stars above, like diamonds in the night,

Reflect the tears that glisten, taking flight.

A heart that longs for warmth and tender touch,

But finds itself adrift, yearning too much.

A phantom echo of laughter and cheer,

Whispers of voices once held dear,

Yet here I stand, a solitary soul,

Seeking connection, to once again feel whole.

In shadows cast by fleeting memories,

I find solace, yet ache for remedies.

For in this realm of quiet introspection,

I seek a bridge to mend my heart's reflection.

Loneliness, a silent, heavy shroud,

Yet in its depths, seeds of strength are plowed.

To understand oneself, to deeply grow,

To find the light within, a path to know.

So let me learn from loneliness's gaze,

To navigate this maze in myriad ways.

And as I wander through its somber art,

I'll find the strength to mend a broken heart.

シェア - I am an island



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