Today they called your name in a examination hall
except it wasn't you,
why you would still be solving chemistry exams,
in your thirties.
But when they called the name, which I knew can't be you
I craned my neck to scan the room,
to check, if it was really not you.
What are the odds of hearing familiar full names.
During flight announcements, lottery lists, official records
assuming this might be the person you know.
But my parents gave me a unique name
with apparently no namesake.
When you will come across my name
in obituary announcements, hospital hall, news ticker
you would know,
That's it.
The only one you knew by this name,
the only one who never forgot to miss you.
Amidst the words !さんをフォローして最新の投稿をチェックしよう!
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