Midnight Battles

Eirlysss2022/12/18 17:15

Midnight Battles


12:49 AM.

It's still vividly written in my mind,

how my fingers twitched with pain,

how the bitter coffee went down under my throat,

how my eyes begged for rest,

how my back shouts comfort,

and how the lamp is holding on.

Those memories during midnight.

The memories of persevering to chase the deadlines,

the memoir of studying for an upcoming recitation,

the crumpled notes with an almost unreadable scribbles,

and the pictures witnessed by the four walls of my room,

will forever be locked inside my journal.

With a hope that tomorrow will be better,

with lesser workloads and more air to breathe,

with an A+ as a welcome and goodbye,

with a smile and laughs to procure,

and with a subtle relaxation to experience.

We fought our battles during midnight.

We broke down, questioning our own worth.

We cried behind our pillows, venting the hidden frustrations.

We wonder whether we have a bright future because of our dark present.

And we entertained the idea of just giving up.

With blood shot and sunken eyes,

we moved forward towards the future we aspire.

With calluses and paper cuts, we continue to dream and hope.

With a knocking headache and back pain, we ventured the unknown road.

With tear-stained face and wet sleeves, we smiled our brightest.

As the glaring heat of the sun covers the world,

we got up, although deprived of sleep.

We welcomed another day, another blessing, and another chance.

As the sun slowly emerged from the horizon,

We waved hello for this is another step closer towards our brightest future.

Keep on going, students.

Our battle is yet to end,

and someday, victory will be ours.

We'll be cheering while holding that piece of paper,

the paper that we dreamed about.

We'll be wearing the crown of our hard work,

the cape of our patience,

and the scepter of our perseverance.

Somewhere in the future, we'll be smiling while looking at our year books,

laughing as we reminisce this moment of our lives where we fought our midnight battles.

シェア - Midnight Battles



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