Hello Allen
I hope you receive this..
I've tried, but it ain't working
I've tried, yet it's still hawking
Like yesterday in my mind - it's still cropping
Like memories of the past...
Yes, I've tried
Each day I tried
I tried covering your footprints at the door step
Yet the smell of you keep hanging around my nosetrills...
Pls come back home..
Allen! I've tried
I've tried to let go of the figure of you
Yet my thoughts can't wait to have you back home
Are you downtown with aunt Brenda
Or are you at Grandpa's old farm...
Pls come back home...
Yes I tried,
I tried hanging around with new friends, new playmates, new folks, new people, yet
My heart still yearns for you
Without you everything seems impossible..
I want to play tag with you again
I want to catch those fire flies at night oncemore
I want to get all wet and take strokes with you
I want to break Sir Adam's egg with you again....
I want to sneak out of the house at night
Just to sit with you watching the sky
I want to break school rules with you
And do those crazy stuff we used to do....
Allen.. Please come back home...
Mummy said you've gone to be with God
Is his house down town 2?
Why not ask God to give you an holiday
Maybe we could spend time again too..
After you fell from that old tree
Mummy took away your picture to keep it safe
Dad said you wouldn't love your pictures around us
I'm so confused Allen...
Please come home...
Please come home....
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