Night and leaf
After Rain
The language of rain is the language of heart it will touch you, deep in your heart Rain will tell you about the sadness of the past the memory in your mind Rain will sing to you the song of the soul it will tell you the story of loneliness The language of rain is the the language of silence when you sit alone on your room while rain falling from the sky
Dilawar Khan
Plants in My Lawn
Azaad Almani/Badin
Green leaf photo
Green leaf photo https://www.youtube.com/c/AllAlongPk47
Ghulam Raza Almani/Badin.Pakistan
Agricultural photography in pakistan
Agricultural photography in pakistan Raza almani/Badin
Waqar haider
The green leaf in the water
Necerel Rey Tomboc
Elegy to a Fallen Leaf
Fall, gently fall leaf of sorrow; Cast away your fears of t'morrow. Unleash the branch that holds you tight; Let go of the cold and dark night. Swing, swiftly swing your harshless hand; Bid goodbye to mem'ries beyond. Float like waves upon the far shore; Thread your marks in the silent lore. Kneel, slowly kneel and raise your pleas; Ask that you can stay in the skies. Now your tears are no longer cared; Upon the soil your voice unheard. Rest, fin'lly rest your head on ground; Embrace the earth w
Sophie Sylvia
5 Shocking Health Benefits Of Scent Leaf You Should Never Ignore
Scent leaf is a potent herb that treats anemia, strengthens eye nerves, prevents diarrhoea, convulsion, malaria, cough etc. Although it is a culinary spice loved by all categories of people, its consumption by diabetics should be strictly supervised because...
Beautiful landscape with leaf
Beautifully Edited Leaf 🍃
End of 2022 Autumn
Kyoto 2022
Bonolota flowers
This Photo No Edit.
Niaz Hussain
Nice flowers and leaf
বেল পাতা।bell leaf। bell tree Banana Cultivation banana garden Singapore banana.
বেলে ল্যাকসটেভি বৈশিষ্ট্যি রয়েছে যার ফলে কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য, পেটে ব্যথা বা হজমের সমস্যা থেকে মুক্তি পাওয়া যায়। বেলে বিটা-ক্যারোটনি থাকে যা যকৃতকে সুস্থ রাখতে সাহায্য করে। বেল ভিটামিন সি-এর ভাল উৎস। ভিটামিন সি-এর অভাবে স্কার্ভি রোগ হয়, বেল পাতার রস সেত রোগেও উপকারী।
Nature world
Green is the fresh emblem of well founded hopes.
Ziziphus leaf's
Ray on leaf
The Sun Ray's falls on to the at the perfect moment of capture making it look absolutely beautiful
Beautiful 🍃 leaf
Kk, photographer
Train Patri Wallpaper,Track,Transport,Green,Tree,Natural