A cat drawn with crayons. クレヨンで描いたネコ
I drew it using only 16 colours of crayons. クレヨン16色だけで描きました。
A cat drawn only with coloured pencils 色鉛筆だけで描いたネコ
This cat was drawn by a 17-year-old artist using only coloured pencils on kraft paper. クラフト紙に色鉛筆だけで描きました。
There is no point in a cage without a beast.
A cat drawn using only the notepad application of a smartphone スマホのメモ帳アプリだけで描いたネコ
I didn't look at any pictures, I just drew from memory. 写真などは何も見ずに記憶だけで描きました。 YouTube https://youtu.be/A7_8vqRClH0 niconico https://nico.ms/sm39774700
My cat my fish
Cat drawn in coloured pencil. 色鉛筆で描いたネコ
スマホと指で描いたネコ A cat drawn with a phone and a finger
A cat drawn with 17 colours of crayon. クレヨンで描いたネコ
A cat drawn with only 17 colours of crayon. クレヨン17色だけで描きました。
A cat drawn with only a smartphone and a finger. スマホと指だけで描いたネコ
A cat drawn with only a smartphone and a finger. I didn't look at any pictures, I just drew from memory. スマホと指だけで描いたネコ 写真や資料などは何も見ずに記憶だけで描きました
使用アプリ:ibisPaint メイキング動画 YouTube https://youtu.be/1qraTxssH30 ニコニコ動画 https://nico.ms/sm39627528 Application used: ibisPaint Making of video YouTube https://youtu.be/1qraTxssH30 Niconico https://nico.ms/sm39627528
色鉛筆で描いた猫 I drew a cat with coloured pencils
制作過程 YouTube https://youtube.com/shorts/2FBlU0jpj_4?feature=share ニコニコ動画 https://nico.ms/sm39710348 Process YouTube https://youtube.com/shorts/2FBlU0jpj_4?feature=share Niconico https://nico.ms/sm39710348
Finger-drawn cat on a smartphone. スマホに指で描いたネコ
Cream point cat https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/102940712042788460655841603899026703332609717388723725324290197650372477059073
Silver mackereltabby cat, drawn with a smartphone and a finger. YouTube https://youtu.be/R4X-HOYGam4 Opensea https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/102940712042788460655841603899026703332609717388723725324290197648173453803521
スマホと指で描いた子猫 A kitten drawn with a phone and a finger
yawn kitten Twitter https://twitter.com/_N_eko_/status/1469275708656701440?s=20 YouTube https://youtu.be/kqwVcgZ-GPg niconico https://nico.ms/sm39735120?camp202103tw=jNpr5gptsZ_1639193762092 Opensea https://opensea.io/collection/cats-born-only-from-fingers-and-smartphones
Cats drawn with fingers and a smartphone. 指とスマホで描いたネコ
島田つき Shimada Tuki
野生動物 wildlife
鋭い牙もぎらつく瞳も、研ぎ澄まされた爪も、全部わたしのものなの。 The sharp fangs, the gleaming eyes, and the sharpened claws are all mine.
Production time: about 20 hours Process🐱↓ YouTube https://youtube.com/shorts/GesRLEFtBnU?feature=share ニコニコ動画 https://nico.ms/sm40081447
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読書の秋? それとも……。Autumn of reading? "Or..."