Garden egg is one of the favourite vegetables we consume. In African societies, this highly beneficial vegetable is often given to visitors when they come visiting. While it is a very healthy vegetable, very few people actually know the amazing changes that might happen to the human body with the increase consumption of garden egg. Here are the Health Benefit Promotes Healthy Bone; the good thing about eating garden eggs is that they contain minerals such as folate, manganese, vitamin k and magnesium that play a very big role when it comes to strengthening the bones and general bone health. It has been proven that consumption of egg plant otherwise referred to as garden eggs can go a long way in preventing bone degradation and osteoporosis. So it is very advisable for anyone who wants a strong bone to regularly eat garden eggs. Garden eggs play a role in aiding digestion due to the presence of fiber in the fruit or vegetable. Eating garden eggs therefore would go a long way