5 Steps to be a writer

Magical sport2021/11/18 12:44
5 Steps to be a writer

5 steps to being a writer

Being a writer is not a simple task. However, some people are professional writers and they earn a good living from their writing job. But how are they able to make money from such a job?

Well, if there are writers, why shouldn't i be as well and make some money?

This article will show the 5 steps to be a writer and a very good one.

But firstly, shouldn't we know who a writer is?

I mean, what do we mean by " person J is a writer". Although we might have several ideas and definition for the term, a writer is someone who writes.

This may be writing term project for exams to even being an author of a book as well as offering writing services.

Without further time wasting, let delve into the 5 steps of being a writer and a very good one.

FIND OUT IF IT IS YOUR HOBBY: You get a job to write a 200 page book and you are to deliver it within 2 weeks. You are 5 days to the deadline and you still haven't made it past page 40 because you don't enjoy it. If writing isn't your hobby, then why should you bother being one???

It will help you get that flow anytime you pick a pen and paper.

CREATIVITY; this is important for your writing career. Creativity is what separate you from other writers who are in your niche or have the same career as you. To boost your creativity, you need to find out what inspires you. The importance of creativity can not be stressed enough in your career as a writer and it has done justice to our list of 5 steps to being a writer.

BE A READER: This is where you are likely to get ideas from. One of the key mistakes newbie writers usually is ignoring the fact the need to be readers as well. This doesn't mean you get to steal someone's idea. The importance of this can't be stressed enough. Go back to being a reader first!

NICHE: you pick a pen or open your writing software, you keep staring on the writing surface. You are squirming your face because you were asked to write a sales content when you know you are a badass sport and news writer. Niche plays a key role on your writing ability. It might be the reason for the constant failure you might be facing as a writer. My advice, just go for what works best for you and if you great in combining those two or more niche, then go on.

JUST START: the last step on our 5 steps to being a writer, it is important. You just need to start that your writing career. Mistakes are definitely going to come. But how can you improve and be a writing boss if you haven't made mistakes?

You need to start in order to realize your potential and get to reach it with speed.


These 5 steps to being a writer is open for everyone. It is what makes the big boys in the writing industry stand out and keep being the top performers

A combination of all of the things listed on our 5 steps to being a writer will make you burst that shell around you and utilize your potential as a writer.

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