Hawseg Farms

HM2021/10/03 13:09

Hawseg Farms is established with backed certificate from Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria. Our activities include: general farm processing and production, including quarrying, mining and trading of gemstones among others. Hawseg Farms is still at developmental stage. At this stage we have experienced the cattle fattening business and the behavior of the business is positive. Therefore, we urge the people to please showcase their support by donate or invest with us. We thank you and appreciate your support in advance. Imagine the life of people who are happy that we set this up because it put food on their table and those who will still benefit from this business in the future. We can be great together and together we can make a lot of people happy together so the nature can also smile on us too. Thank you.

Know more about Hawseg Farms.

Our Registration number is BN2709938

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