Earn Bitcoin For Free [2021 proven]

第3話 - Earn bitcoin through Affiliate Marketing

Sambrain2021/09/10 11:52

Trading platforms and other crypto products provide affiliate programs for their users. These platforms pay affiliate marketers to promote their platform.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to earn as it provides you with Bitcoins or profits. Many different platforms are offering their services in this field.

Here are a few suggestions of the platforms providing you with maximum benefits:

Bitsgap offers crypto grid trading bots and provides one of the best crypto affiliate marketing programs with up to 30% commission.

Quadency is another trading bot providers that offers up to $200 per paid customer.

CryptoHopper pays one of the highest affiliate marketing commissions in the market. However, over time they have slightly reduced the pay-out.

You can also earn profits by making other traders sign up on a trading platform like Pionex. These platforms provide you with a percentage of profits earned by traders you bring on the forum.