PDF_ Rook Point

malikjuarez2023/11/10 22:39

Rook Point Read now : https://penikmatkopidipagihari.blogspot.com/?time=1739208951 It started when I was just a boy.My obsession.An inheritance the men in my family seem to be gifted, one that feels a lot like a disease.It was love at first sight.Hair the colour of fire, eyes crafted of the deepest jade.I was captivated by her instantly, enthralled, but it was not meant to be, our worlds were already vastly different. Destinies not meant to int

PDF_ Rook Point

Rook Point It started when I was just a boy.My obsession.An inheritance the men in my family seem to be gifted, one that feels a lot like a disease.It was love at first sight.Hair the colour of fire, eyes crafted of the deepest jade.I was captivated by her instantly, enthralled, but it was not meant to be, our worlds were already vastly different. Destinies not meant to intertwine. My family worked for people like her, they didn't marry them

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