Depressed Me ?
sDepression, what a problem that can be. It makes you feel like you have no clue what you are doing, nothing works and you never ever want to leave bed. It sets in once you feel so lost and so hopeless of ever getting out. I never really had waited for the depression to hit me. I always seem to feel it, I can feel it. It's like a stupid virus that I have got it. Except when it rains, I feel like the rain water is being poured into my heart. I can feel it pounding as if it wants to break out my entire body. Not only the heart, my legs feel like they are weak and it's like I can't move.You'd think it would be easy. Your parents would always say: 'It's okay honey, everything will be fine.'. But that's not the case. That's just something people that are. I never really feel that way. I can never get passed it. I always end up just feeling nothing. I feel like I am a shadow. I look like me but I just don't feel like me. Oh, no I see what it's like. I don't feel like me. I feel like nothing. I feel like a person that is on the streets and wishes they weren't there. Feels like they could take out their own head and it wouldn't make a difference. I always feel that.They would always tell me that if my grades dropped, I was doing drugs or something like that.
Depression tends to put this void around restricting you from happiness and joy
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