Farewell to Arms: a novel wherein nature, war and love are intertwined by Youssef baddaj

名無し2023/10/21 23:47

An essay predicated on expounding on the to and fro interactions of the main themes with palpable agency occuring within this novel of minimalistic words and nature, mirroring by so doing the callousesness or, put neatly, the indifference to the outer world with its deluge of disparate happenings exerted by the protagonist and the author in accordance on account of him being the orchestrator driving the plot in direct whimsical manne.

Released in a period of turbulence , farewell to arms, a lauded quasi- autobiographical novel by earnest Hemingway, the substantially famous exponent of the lost generation which is a term denoting exclusively American writers who roamed Europe as expatriates and generically all post-war contemporaries who were befallen by calamities and ordeals because of war whose result de facto robbed the world of any remaining humanity and altruism immediately. Within this avant-garde novel,which is known for its implementation of the iceberg theory concocted by its author, we unearth by minutely probing the minuscule particulars of the text that nature is instrumentally employed to structure the plot, both affairs of love and war plagued the protagonist with ambivalence and that Catherine's intimacy with Frederic has detached him from war. 

Firstly, not a cursory look, but a meticulous scrutiny of the novel will be adequate to find that nature is simultaneously used to order the plot and unveil the psych of the characters. This perennial work is portioned into two separate segments and each one connotes a different aspect. The first part is set in summer and autumn. both theses season imply sterility in the common understanding , but they are in the novel the embodiment of positivity. In this part, merriment and triumphs are replete in both Frederick’s affair with catherine and in war against the Austrian army.

The second segment occurs in the season of winter which, based on common sense, is the epitome of fertility because it is obviously a giver of life, but ,in this segment, melancholy and negativity abounds in that victory eludes the Italian troops and Catherine dies of hemorrhage caused by childbirth. Nature is also the voice that trumpets the agonies of the characters in that the author substitutes rain for explicitly stating the sadness of the characters in a plethora of instances in the novel. For example, it rains in Catherine’s demise , the retreat of the Italian forces, the escape of the protagonist to Switzerland, the death of seven thousand soldiers and innumerable others instances.

Secondly, the engagement of the chief character with catherine in order to alleviate the pressure of war inevitably shifted his locus from war to love. Formerly, at the inception of novel ,Fredrick is a benevolent character who enlistedin the army to aid the wounded as a substantially altruistic character , but after his flirtation game with Catherine deepens, he thoroughly became narcissistic, caring about how to desert the army to cater to his sentimental whims. Frederick is radically transformed after his encounter with Catherine because he is render deprived of his altruism.

Thirdly, love and war are opposite in the course of the novel in that they vie for dominance which love eventually attains. War is a stimulus to love because Frederic's relationship with Catherine is a recourse form the tragedy of war . Also, love constitutes a perilous threat to the continuity of Frederic's engagement in war because it eventually compels Henry to desert the army. Put differently, love is the force accountable for Frederic's detachment from war and his attachment to Catherine.

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