My Humble Visitor
Humble Visitor
From a distant Land in the East,
A telegraph came knocking on my door
Announcing your impending visit
To the seven households of the universe
Including my homestead, the dark continent!
In amazement, I watch
As the entire world stands still
As you eventually embark on the journey
Generously touching many souls
The heads of our households
Bow in aghast
To acknowledge your rare presence
Sacrificing their much cherished generous economies
To pave way for your arrival
Flouting the enviable status
And indelible mark of yours
On the global pace,
You associate with peoples of
All races, classes and religions
Paying due attention to
The high and the mighties
And still remembering
The paupers and the cripples
In the extreme society of ours
With your humble visitation,
Humanity is inculcated
With ferns of lessons:
For at once since the universe was born,
Humanity has become staid!
With your coming
Man is made to see the vanity of matter-
With their sleek and well-fed cars
Man has suddenly become immobile
The customize fabrics
And imported jewelries are
For the moment of null values
You have brought together the long lost
And separated families
Hitherto engrossed in pursuing
Vainly things of the world
With your arrival,
Both the poor and the rich
Now crave alone for bread
That will keep them alive
While your august visit
For the first time in array of years
Both the poor and the rich
Are made to dwell under the same roof, the isolation units - disregarding
The private and public wards
In class conscious hospitals and clinics
As they both battle for survival.
You have come not actually
To steal, kill and destroy
But that humanity will learn a humbled lesson
And eventually embrace his Creator
Instead of His creations!
Your visit is indeed
A humble lesson to the world!
I will pronounce your name - COVID 19
My visitor from the East.
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