Cyberpunk 2077 will return to PS Store after patch

Secure2021/04/02 23:09

Cyberpunk 2077 received a big update with more than 500 adjustments in it. CD Projekt RED believes the game is now ready to return to the PlayStation.

Cyberpunk 2077 will return to PS Store after patch

Cyberpunk 2077 received a big update with more than 500 adjustments in it. CD Projekt RED believes the game is now ready to return to the PlayStation.

The ball is with Sony for the time being, however, as Sony has not responded yet. People who have a physical PS4 copy of the game at home could already check the result of the patch.

But if you wanted to buy the game online, you can't. The PS Store has already removed the game from virtual shelves since December 2020.

Not only this patch is important

The game is and remains a great promise, which certainly has potential, but whether this patch will also ensure that all issues are resolved and the game will return to PS Store is uncertain.

The chapter Cyber punk 2077 and playability remains a difficult subject, especially when you consider that CD also wants to include a multiplayer.

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