Austine Kay2025/02/14 03:10

In the Bible, a story was told of how Joshua led Israel to pull down the wall of Jericho.  Our Jericho City is our HEART  where we seek Peace, Tranquility and Joy. But we have built a strong wall around our hearts through our beliefs, values, experiences and principles passed on to us through our upbringings


In the Bible, a story was told of how Joshua led Israel to pull down the wall of Jericho.  Our Jericho City is our HEART  where we seek Peace, Tranquility and Joy. But we have built a strong wall around our hearts through our beliefs, values, experiences and principles passed on to us through our upbringings. 

Your Wall of Jericho is anything that stands between you and your Peace of Mind.  Hence any internal Restrictions, Energy or Emotion that disturb the peace and the joy of your inner world, or  block you to do what you want to do and to feel the way you want to feel, is  Your Wall of Jericho.   

So the question is, what are these internalised  emotions, energy, and restrictions that stand in our way of experiencing that Eternal Joy and Blissful Peace that suspasses all understanding,  in your heart. 

There are two types of this emotional blockage, that is:-

1. Those emotions that stop a proper manifestation of the Spirit within us. 

  • Anger,  Fear,  Sadness, worry, Anxiety,  Jealousy, Envy, Resentment, Bitterness, Hatred, Contempt, Shame, Guilt, insecurity, rejection,unforgiveness and Regret

2. And those that lead us to excessive exploitation of our desire and abuse of our physical body. 

  • Eating too much (Grotony)

  • Excessive use of sex force (dragon blood)

  • Too much drinking / use of strong drugs 

  • Living with materialistic mindset 

  • Life surrounded by negatives people (living in a low vibration environment)

The first prevents the full expression of the Spirit within us and the second makes the body very heavy and insensitive to the prompting of the spirit.  In Christianity it is called: Sin against your body and Grieving the Holy Spirit. 

How Then Can We Pull Down These Walls?

First, you must acknowledge  and accept where you are as a person in your Soul Journey. 

Second, you must make a decision to Forgive yourself and anybody in your life whose action or inaction is creating a blockage in your heart. Don't wait on anybody to come and say any soiled sorry before you forgive him/ her. 

Third, make a vow to yourself to take back your power from people and LOVE yourself without any reservation.

And anytime any of these emotional blocks come up, look straight into them without avoiding them and find out why you are feeling that way. Get the root cause , accept it and forgive. 

So Soul Tribe, let the meditation of our hearts and the words of our mouths be acceptable unto us and our higher Selves. And always remember Love is the fulfillment of all laws. 


SGD Austine Kekeli 


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