Self Talk .By Professor Tanvir Ali Khatana.

名無し2024/07/31 12:13

The Power of Self-Talk Self-talk refers to the internal dialogue we have with ourselves, either verbally or in our thoughts. It's a powerful tool that can shape our mindset, behavior, and overall well-being. Positive Self-Talk Positive self-talk involves: Encouragement: Supporting and motivating yourself Affirmations: Repeating positive statements to boost confidence Self-compassion: Treating yourself with kindness and understanding Benefits of positive self-talk: Boosts confidence Improves mental health Enhances resilience Supports goal achievement Negative Self-Talk Negative self-talk involves: Criticism: Focusing on flaws and mistakes Self-doubt: Questioning abilities and judgment Self-blame: Attributing failures to personal shortcomings Effects of negative self-talk: Low self-esteem Anxiety and depression Self-sabotage Missed opportunities Practicing Positive Self-Talk Notice your thoughts: Become aware of your internal dialogue Challenge negative thoughts:

Self Talk .By Professor Tanvir Ali Khatana.


34 min read


1 day ago


The question of why we come into this world is a deeply philosophical and existential one, and there are many different perspectives and beliefs about it. Some people believe that we come into this world to learn, grow, and evolve as individuals, while others believe that we come into this world to fulfill a specific purpose or mission. Ultimately, the answer to this question will depend on one's own beliefs, values, and experiences.

The question of why we come into this world is a complex and multifaceted one, and there are many different perspectives and beliefs about it. Some possible reasons include:

  • Personal growth and evolution: We come into this world to learn, grow, and evolve as individuals, to develop our unique talents and abilities, and to become the best version of ourselves.

  • Fulfilling a purpose or mission: We come into this world to fulfill a specific purpose or mission, to make a positive impact on the world, and to leave a lasting legacy.

  • Experiencing life and all its wonders: We come into this world to experience the beauty, joy, and wonder of life, to explore its many mysteries, and to appreciate its many marvels.

  • Connecting with others: We come into this world to form connections with others, to build relationships, to love and be loved, and to be part of a community.

  • Learning from challenges and difficulties: We come into this world to face challenges and difficulties, to learn from them, and to become stronger and more resilient as a result.

  • Spiritual growth and enlightenment: We come into this world to grow spiritually, to deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world, and to attain enlightenment or higher states of consciousness.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other possible reasons why we come into this world. Ultimately, the answer will depend on one's own beliefs, values, and experiences.

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The Purpose of Life: Unveiling the Mystery

The question of why we come into this world has puzzled philosophers, theologians, and everyday humans for centuries. Is it simply a random occurrence, or is there a deeper meaning and purpose to our existence? In this article, we will explore various perspectives on the purpose of life, from personal growth and evolution to spiritual enlightenment.

シェア - Self Talk .By Professor Tanvir Ali Khatana.



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