Pakistan is among the top 10 countries most affected by climate change, every year temperature is rising in Pakistan.I still remember the scorching summer of 2015 in Swabi when the temperature reached to 44°C.
As temperature is rising in Pakistan, can we ignore it and let it threaten our health and economy. From 20 to 26 June 500+ deaths reported in Pakistan due to extreme temperature. Pakistan is warming at a rate of 0.5°C per decade, faster then the global average, making it one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change.
Rising temperature in Pakistan are pressing concern, affecting economy of the country, Environment and human health. Pakistan is vulnerable to climate change due to its Geographical Location, with temperature expected to rise 3-5°C up to 2030. The main reasons of rising temperature in Pakistan is due to emitting green house gases from Factories, vehicles and modern agriculture practices. Deforestation and Land degradation is on peak in Pakistan. Every year Deforestation rate in Pakistan increasing 0.2 to 0.5°C, its an alarming rate. Population rate is increasing every year, due to which urbanization Rate also boost. The impacts of these rising temperature in Pakistan are widespread, including heat waves, leading to droughts and floods. In 2022 Pakistan had lost 30 billion dollars due to flood. Glaciers,Ice sheets are melting at high rate. This rising temperature can affect directly agriculture which can lead to food insecurity, water scarcity and so on.
In my view, the biggest threat to the Pakistan is not terrorism, but it's rising temperature. Yes terrorism must be combat through military means, but climate crisis need more sustainable approach. The government and citizens must work together to address this critical issue.
Pakistan vulnerability to climate change is alarming, and it's not the time to wait, it's time to take action and it's our responsibility to work on this issue with the asses of GOP.
The economic impacts of rising temperature, is decreasing yield of crops every year. It's our responsibility to protect Pakistan's economy, as our country is already economically weak.
The human health is impacting due to rising temperature, from illness to displacement, local community is impacting. It's the time to work on this issue, as it's also our moral obligation.
Therefore, I urge the Government of Pakistan to take action, and implement policies to minimize the use of Green House Gases, and invest in renewable energy, and promote sustainable approaches. And Citizens must minimize their carbon footprint.
To combat the rising temperature in Pakistan the GOP must invest in renewable energy, and not depend totally on Fossil Fuels. GOP must promote sustainable approaches, minimize use of plastic, and improve recycling Programs. Reforestation and Afforestation campaigns must be launched throughout Pakistan, because trees are the second big sequester of carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs etc. Climate change education must promote and local community must be aware of climate change. GOP must collaborate with NGOs and International Committees to address the climate crisis.
So, rising temperature is the silent killer and it's the biggest issue that we are facing now. It's the time to take collective action to mitigate it. By investing in renewable energy, promoting sustainable practices, minimizing the rate of deforestation, so we can ensure livable future for generations to come.
Let's not fool to thinking, that terrorism is only threat we face. Rising temperature is also the threat, it's the time to give attention to it, that it deserves. Let's take collection action to combat and mitigate this rising issue.
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