Groundwater is the foremost water resources for various purposes in arid regions. The extremely arid climate makes groundwater geochemistry there evolve faster in a short distance and water supply face higher pressure of poor geochemical quality..
A hyper- And watershed on the Tibetan plateau was investigated to get insights into the geochemical signature, formation, and quality suitability of groundwater there. A total of B surface water samples and S2 phreatic groundwater samples were collected for hydrogeochemical analysis. The result showed groundwater had better hydrogeochemical quality than surface water and was more favourable for human society utilization.....
Groundwater was dominated by relatively fresh hydrochemical davies of HCO3-Ca, Mixed HCO3-Na-Ca and mixed Cl-Mg-Ca type with more than 93% of samples having the TDS below 1,000mg/l.
Most of the groundwater were soft fresh water (84.38%) and had Excellent to good quality (93%) for domestic purposes based on entropy-Weighted water quality index evaluation....
Moses Olofinnade
Khombined GeoServices Ltd
Email: [email protected]
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