Positive effects from sports are achieved primarily through physical activity, but secondary effects brings with benefits such as psychosocial and personal development and less alcohol consumption. Negative effects, such as the risk of failure, injuries, eating disorders, and burnouts , are also apparent.Because physical activity is increasingly conducted in an organised manner, sports role in society has become increasingly important over the years, not only for the individual but also for public health. In this paper, I intend to describe sports physiological and psychosocial health benefits, stemming both from physical activity and from sport participation perse. This narrative review summarize research and presents health-related data from swedish authorities. It is discussed that our daily lives are becoming less physically active,while organised exercise and training increases.Average energy intake is increasing, creating an energy surplus, and thus, we are seeing an increasing number of people who are overweight which is a strong contributor to health problem .Physical activity and exercise have significant positive effects in preventing or alleviating mental illness, including depressive symptoms and anxiety - or stress-related disease•Sport can be evolving,if personal capacities,social situation, and biological and
psychological maturation are taken into account. Evidence suggests a dose- response relationship such that being active, even to a modest level, is superior to being inactive or sedentary.
Sport is a double-edged sword regarding effects on health. Positive effects are achieved primarily through physical activity, which is the main part of most sports .Many secondary effects of sports also bring health benefits , such as psychosocial development of both young and old ,personal development later onset,and less consumption of alchol. Those who play sports have a higher level of physical activity later in life, and through sport, knowledge of nutrition, exercise, and health can be developed,negative effects include the risk of failure leading to poor mental health,risk of injury, eating disorders, burnout, and exercise -induced gastroin testinal tract discomfort.
According to some individual opinions, Igwe Michael says that ,the reason why most people are very weak then they are old is because of lack of physical activity in their youthful days, making the body to relax.
According to Success ,he agreed that the human body is like a computer what you put is what it will give you (Gabage-in-Gabage out ).He also said that people should pay attention to what they eat and do.
Also,according to Mrs Faith and Mrs Mercy who are in their 60’s said that the only reason they are strong today is because of physical activities and exercise they do now and when they were young making their body strong and healthy.
An old woman who did not want her name mentioned in this article said that her only regret in life is that she lived her youthful life in nothing but disaster been lazy and hardly worked, she never tried exercise and was always on unhealthy diet making her old age miserable.
Physical activity and sports helps in not just shaping the body but also keeping the body in a healthy state,because physical activity is increasingly executed in an orgenised manner.Sport role in society has become increasing important over the years, not only for the individual but also for public health.
World Health Organisation (W.H.O), and the U.S department of Human services. The definition of physical activity in FYSS is; "Physical actuty is defined Pure Physiologically, as well body movement that increase energy use beyond resting levels".Health is defined according to the Word Health organization(W.H.O) as; "A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absense of disease or infirmity”. Physical activity can occur spontaneously(leisure/work/transport)or organised and be divided according to purpose: Physical exercise is aimed primarily at increasing health and physical capacity. Physical training is aimed primarily at increasing the individuals maximum physical capacity and performance.Physical inactivity is described as the absense of body movement,when energy consumption approximates resting levels.People who do not meet recommendations for physical activity are considered physically inactive and are sometimes called"sedentary".
How does the body adapt to physical activity and training?
The body undergoes several adaptations in response to physical activity and training, improving performance, endurance, Strength, and over-all fitness. These adaptations occur across various systems in the body body ; like the Cardiovascular system (inceased heart efficiency, improved blood flow,enhanced oxygen utilization),Respiratory system (impoved gas exchange, enhanced lung capacity),Metabolic change(impoved energy
uilization,increased metabolic rate),musculoskeletal
system (muscle hypertrophy, enhanced muscle strength,bone density) e.t.c
In conclusion ,people active in sport have general better health than those who do not participate in sports, because they are physically and mentally prepared for the challenges of sports, abilities that in many cases can be transfered
to other parts of life.
However, there is a certain bias in this statement.Sports practitioners are already positively selected, because sickness and injury may prevent participation. As many health benefits of sport are related to the level of physical activity,seperation of sport and physical exercise maybe problematic.Regardless,societal benefits of those health effects can be seen in lower morbidity, healthier elderly, and lower medical costs
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