OFTEN, we say God has not created a man to be an island for everyone needs somebody. YES, it is very true. Then, why have we created a society in which many are lonely, sad, frustrated, depressed and even going insane in the mist of multitude. Yes, and daily, their their eyes and faces are screaming for just little attention but no one seems to care despite living among people.
TRUTH be told, many living in our various communities (homes, associations, workplaces, churches, families and villages) today are surrounded by people and yet they feel alone or dejected, because we subtly live (in a way that is difficult to tell) by the principle "Everyone for him/herself, God for us all" . People are hurting and depressed deep down in their hearts but they have no true friend to share/ listen to their hurt or to come and check on them.
THIS evening, as I sat by the TV, I heard a song by Nigerian singer Labianca titled "People". The first line of the song says " I have been drinking more alcohol for the past 5 days, did you check on me?, didn't you look for me?" this question was directed to her friends but I think it is directed to all of us as a society. This reminds me of what happened today while I was at the market to buy some beans and gari for the week. There is a woman in the market who always welcomed me anytime I come to park my okada (Moto bike).. Today I didn't see her. when I asked of her and I was told she has not been to market since Friday when it rained. Have they called her to check on her? No.. Apparently no one has her number. They have been in that small community market since covid-19 lockdown.
MY POINT is, I know life is not treating any of us any better and we can't give/turn our attention to everyone in our lives, but don't we think if we live in a true community sense by holding each other's hands, the effect of this hard life will be easier to bear/less on us all? I am not advocating for SOCIALISM , neither am i asking the haves to share the little they have for their families with the have-nots. Far from it. In the Libianca's video I refer to earlier, the story line is that her five days drinking more alcohol began, when she invited some friends to join her and share a pizza. They all waited 2 hours after time and send her message that the meeting with her has escape them. Hmm. "a measure of good friendship is not how you feel about them but how they make you feel"
THOUGH it is just a story, it speaks volumes of the state of our society. I tells exactly how we are living with each other these days. I acknowledge that life is complex now and things can't never be like those days we sat under the feet of our grandparents in our small cottages/ villages. My only plead is that, those of us who call ourselves:- friends, family, church/ society members, school mates and neighbors, let's all deal with each other with sincere hearts. If we TRULY open our hearts to these relations, God will use us in one way or the other to 'Save a Life or Heal a Soul' out there in the mist of multitude who is perishing through Alcohol, Drugs, Marital Challenges, Rejection, Depression Negret, Abuses.or Avoidance. May God strengthened us to hearken to his call. BE ENCOURAGED
SGD Austine Kekeli
#LoveustgeKey. #HealtheWorld #BeEncouraged. #BeHopeful.
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