Thank you Ma, God bless you".
This was my heartfelt appreciation to a lady who helped me this morning on my way to work.
It started raining heavily this morning before I got set for work. I thought it would stop before I leave but no way!
I do have an umbrella but unfortunately, I forgot at the office.
"Blessing, what are you going to do?", I asked myself.
I had wait a bit for the rain to subside.
It did a bit then I hurriedly put on my shower cap and left the house.
I walked hurriedly to the bus stop so I could join a bus. Before I could get there the rain started again.
I had to wait somewhere so avoid been drenched by the rain.
While waiting, I saw a lady approaching with a big umbrella. Thank God!
I walked up to her. "Good morning Sis, Please can I join you to the bus stop?", I asked.
"It's okay", she responded
I gladly joined her.
Truth be told, one side of my body got really wet even under the umbrella. How? I am taller than her so I had to bend a bit for the umbrella to shield me.
In as much as my head was covered, I had to bear it.
Finally, we got to the bus stop.
I thanked her sincerely and joined a bus to the office.
She really saved the day if not I would have been completely drenched.
Life happens. So sometimes, you may not have access to your overflowing well. At the point, when someone offers you their 'droplet(s)' of kindness, be grateful because that act will save you from 'dying of thirst'.
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