There was nothing special about the love and fear of childhood, but there was a lesson in it. I was standing alone under the banyan tree, watching them run away in fear. Just a little while ago, they were all playing and their game was very interesting. One of them was pretending to be a ghost and scaring the others. Then someone said that this banyan tree is haunted and there are ghosts and spirits here. So, they all got scared and ran away. It was evening and the darkness was quite deep. One of them said, "Brother, we are scared." And then he asked me, "Don't you get scared, sir?" I laughed at his question for a long time. I wanted to tell him that when I was in the 12th grade, I used to feel the same fear. We would sit outside in the village at night after dinner, and my friends would drop me off at my house because I was afraid of ghosts and spirits. But the reason I laughed was that I no longer feel that fear. There is a reason for this, and that reason is that every emotion has an age. And when that age is over, the emotion also ends.
Just like how we suddenly get angry and then the anger subsides after a few minutes, our emotions are like a force or energy that prepares us for some action. And when that action is complete, the emotions subside. Some emotions are the result of ignorance, and when we gain knowledge, those emotions also subside. For example, the fear of ghosts and spirits that we had in childhood. Similarly, in the 10th and 12th grades, we start to feel a kind of love for someone. But as we gain mental and emotional maturity, those silly loves start to feel strange. We laugh at ourselves for thinking someone is so great just because they are human, just like us.
So, there are two things that create emotions in us: our senses and our food. Our senses, like our eyes and ears, create emotions in us, and our food also affects our emotions. And emotions have an age. Now, the last thing to understand is how we can control our emotions and use them for our benefit. When we get angry, we feel an increase in our physical energy and our focus also increases. We can even remember old things that we had forgotten. In this state of anger, our brain's ability to learn and remember increases, and the hormone glutamate, which is used in learning and memory, is produced quickly. Adrenaline and norepinephrine hormones are also produced in the brain, which increases focus, memory, and energy. So, whenever you get angry, do something that requires a lot of focus and attention. Your brain's extra energy and power will make it easy to solve the problem.
Another thing that eliminates negative emotions is knowledge. If you know the reality of something, negative emotions subside. Or, their intensity decreases.
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